Reply To: First impressions

I wasn’t aware of JITFL until I started seriously collecting Sierra games back around the end of the 90’s. I bought it some time back then but can’t say I ever spent a lot of time with it. I like a lot of things about it – the presentation is well done, the game zips along quite quickly, the quirky humour helps to keep a bit of interest. As a board game it’s reasonably well designed but I’m not convinced how much fun it is as a single player DOS game. I had a couple of goes at the start of the month which I quite enjoyed it but nothing makes me want to go back. It quickly becomes a repetitive grind as you say and soon boils down to earning money and studying with everything else being an occasional distraction. It’s fun enough for the odd game so I can enjoy it for what it is. An entire month on the other hand is a bit much, odds are I’m not going back to it. We should have done a board game month if you ask me. We could have added in games like Fooblitzky, Trivial Pursuit etc…