Reply To: Initial Confusion and Frustration on Saves

Home Forums Previous Months 69 – June 2022: Little Big Adventure Initial Confusion and Frustration on Saves Reply To: Initial Confusion and Frustration on Saves

Mr Creosote

This auto-saving is exactly how the original works. I assume the idea was to take the load of managing manual save states off the player. “Just play, we’ll take care of this for you.” Also, encourage/enable one continuous “experience” in playing. You get captured, you get captured. Live with it and play on instead of restoring.

It’s funny that next month’s game, The Last Express, also goes a similar way of handling all this automatically. Though in a vastly superior way.

In LBA, I remember spending hours at the water tower farming for resources. Just going in, grabbing everything, out and entering again. Rinse and repeat.