Reply To: New Track: 4:00am

Home Forums Previous Months 81 – June 2023: Stunts New Track: 4:00am Reply To: New Track: 4:00am


Great, guys! I’ve been watching your replays 🙂 Yes, it’s a high-risk track and it’s long, so doing the whole thing in one go may require a few (long) attempts. This is why, when I posted it here, I wanted to also post a replay and didn’t have much time, so I chose to race “safe”. It’s practically an OWOOT replay, what I uploaded. Older replays I had on this track would not be OK to post, since they had been done with RH.

To be fair, when this track was featured in ZakStunts, a GAR scoreboard was active too, so it was indeed raced with NoRH, but GAR was not just NoRH: it was also stricter than OWOOT, so the rules were still very different from the ones in this leaderboard.