Reply To: Hello from Pennsylvania, United States

Home Forums User Introductions Hello from Pennsylvania, United States Reply To: Hello from Pennsylvania, United States


Welcome to DGC!

I also miss this golden era, but for me it has more to do with the Amiga/Atari ST age.

Although I also have a fondness for the earlier 8-bit home computers, and early 3D FPS stuff on PC (eg, descent, doom, heretic, quake, quake 2), and a few RTS titles on PC from the 90s and early 2000s.

I’ve never been a console person, and I struggle to relate to sega’s offerings. Even less with nintendo. Nor do I feel any real connection with commercial games post 2005, and I’m not sure I’ve even bought any game released after that year, haha.

A lot of your favourite DOS games have been covered in episodes already, so I’m sure you will enjoy browsing the back catalogue, if you haven’t already.

I hope you enjoy your visit here enough to stay around. Making an episode suggestion or two is a good way to strike up some conversation about your gaming favourites 🙂