Reply To: Brutal Heretic

Home Forums Previous Months 97 – October 2024: Heretic Brutal Heretic Reply To: Brutal Heretic


I feel you have to see these changes in context. Since the standardisation of WASD+mouse controls in the shooter genre in the late 1990s, it became far easier to line up shots, dodge projectiles, and nimbly move around maps.

ie, delivering damage more efficiently, while taking less damage in return.

It arguably made doom/heretic/etc easier to play than intended. Playing on anything less than “ultraviolence” became absurd!

I feel that the Brutal-* mods have made a good effort to rebalance the gameplay for these modern controls. One thing these mods cannot do is add/remove enemies from maps, but they can redesign and modernise each enemy type, as well as the weapons available to the player.