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Home Forums Previous Months 97 – October 2024: Heretic Comparing Heretic to DOOM Reply To: Comparing Heretic to DOOM


The reason why Heretic weapons fear underwhelming is that their average damage is somewhat lower than comparable Doom weapons, e.g., compare

The level design of the first three episodes (haven’t played the last two yet) I actually like better than Doom most of the time. It is less abstract, layouts are not as mazy and easier to navigate.

The enemy roster I feel is a mixed bag. Gargoyles are pure annoyance. Weredragons and Sabreclaws look like generic brown beasts (although they act very differently). Disciples of D’Sparil are dangerous in groups and are a force to be reckoned with. Iron Liches have a cool design, and tricky attack patterns compared to the Baron of Hell which is just a bullet sponge with a lame projectile. A Maulotaur is a wimp compared to a Cyberdemon (if you stay far enough from it).