Reply To: Tekwar!

Home Forums Game Suggestions Tekwar! Reply To: Tekwar!


I got the demo in the 90ies, IIRC, and actually bought the game later on, but never finished it. After I saw the suggestion here on the forums, I finally played it all the way to the end in August. 🙂

It’s quirky and feels quite a bit unfinished, but I wouldn’t say it’s a horrible game – it takes a while to get used to, though. And you really need to figure out some keyboard/mouse controls that you like and that allow you to move/aim really fast, because the default controls make it super hard to play. “wasd + mouse” wasn’t a thing yet at the time, was it?

The maps are pretty diverse, actually. City, park, beach, sewer, … The Matrix levels are probably the most controversial thing. In retrospect, I kind of liked the Matrix stuff, it is very futuristic and fancy (for its time), although very, very tough to play sometimes.

The weirdest thing is that you can pick up some objects and people and throw them around. It’s not a documented feature, probably a left-over from development, it doesn’t really serve a purpose.