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I’m so jealous of your ability to organize, jefklak!
I love a tidy environment too, but I’m just too much of a scatterbrain to reach the level I want. I’ve put in a lot of time trying to organize cables, and it still looks like a cable salad in my retro room!

Also, I’m a real bleeding heart for retro hardware – I feel sorry for anything that’s not set up and working – so I currently have 6(!) PCs set up in one little room, as well as shelving and software and books and god knows what else, so you can imagine the clutter is quite overwhelming. (I should really post some updated pictures, for eliciting a mix of awe and pity)

But your space looks beautiful. (I especially like the cat!)
I can see you put a lot of thought into everything. The desk is very nice and sleek, and the armchair adds a really comfortable warmth to everything, not to mention the Monkey Island posters.
I have to say, I’m quite thankful for your article – it’s actually given me some ideas of my own!