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I’ve recently been using Power Basic.
It is a rebranded and updated Turbo Basic after the creator bought it back from Borland.
It’s highly compatible with Quick Basic, so it’s pretty easy to learn. But it is much more powerful, and has numerous features that I’ve felt are sorely missing in Quick Basic, and the compiled programs seem to run much quicker. (Which I understand has something to do with being compiled directly to machine language, not via p-code??)
The only criticism I have is that the IDE is a bit clunky.
Unless the usability of the IDE is a total dealbreaker for you, I don’t see any reason to use Quick Basic when you could be using Power Basic.

Currently I’m working on a 40×25 text mode platform game. Hopefully I might actually finish this one!
Turns out I forshadowed in my last post, and I found out how to do key polling. Rewriting all that code was just too disheartening, and I totally stalled on “Forgotten Tunnels”.
The game I’m working on is much less ambitious, so see how I go…