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Woah it’s just past half December and you’ve finished both games? Nice job!

I’m a first-time player and How Long To Beat says I should be done in 20 hours, but it feels more like 30 to me. I keep a personal (analog) journal, as it’s clear to me that without scribbling down all notes the game is indeed unwinnable.
There are so many useless items/skills in this game! And so many items that are needed like 6 levels down and if you throw them in the water you’ll never be able to finish it 🤣

My nearly-final thoughts: it’s amazing that this game came out a month before Wolf3D. Not just because of the engine. I wish I discovered this sooner. It’s an amazing experience and yes there’s a lot of jank or bullshit stuff (platforming? endless dead ends in lvl7? etc) but that doesn’t overshadow the greatness of it in my view.