Reply To: Final thoughts?
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Evil Taco
I think I’m glad I played the floppy version without the voices … !
There was certainly tension at the beginning of the game. It’s really easy to get your first death, and that can set the tone for a while. The music and sound really highlighted the mood as well – I dug the music a lot (played with the good old adlib sound).
It took a while for me to ease into the “adventure game logic” world, where it isn’t dangerous at all to walk into the police station even if you’re a wanted fugitive. It helped a lot when I read a few hints in the other thread, that there are no dead ends (or maybe there could’ve been, towards the end?) and if someone takes items away from you, you don’t need to worry.
I had some friction with the puzzles towards the beginning, but after about a 1/4 or 1/3 through everything started flowing quite naturally – maybe I got to the right rhythm with the game. Talk with everyone, try items with everything if you need to – but most of the time I quite naturally thought what to do next. The hints about Joey’s importance were rather crucial to get going!
I definitely thought that all the different ways of interacting with the world added a lot to the world of the game. Needing to drag Joey along, him having quite often something to do in many screens, needing to talk with people to progress, the LINC terminals, the cyberspaaaaace … there were a lot of things to do, and not just the “usual” point and click stuff. I very much appreciated that.
The tension picked up at the end. It was clear the game was building up towards a climax and it also started feeling a little dangerous again. I got a bit anxious and afraid to go to the next room and really wanted to finish the game (just now!) in one final push, and not take a break!
Even if the atmosphere was a bit uneven, sometimes quite benign for a cyberpunk story, sometimes rather grim (like finding the bodies in the locker..) I still thought overall with some forgiveness I had a great experience. A remarkable game for 1994, great music, great visuals! A world and characters, a Virtual Theater if you may, I was able to sink into and enjoy. Looking forward to playing more Revolution adventures!