Reply To: Music/Tchaikovsky’s Swan lake

Many years back I got into hacking scummVM so I could get the MT-32 soundtracks to work on my PSP which I was enamoured with at the time. It played mp3/ogg recordings of the soundtracks instead of trying to emulate the MT-32 which was way beyond the PSP. This included the EGA version of Loom which got me wondering if I could use orchestral recordings of the music instead so I got a an Andre Previn CD and found the appropriate pieces of music and they fit perfectly from what I recall.
That project is long dead but is still sat at with a decade old build of scummVM if anyone wants to try it with a real orchestra. The Windows build should still work fine on modern machines I would imagine. It had to be the patched MT-32 EGA version of Loom to work correctly and would probably break the others.