Reply To: Puzzles Too Hard, Or Am I Just Too Stupid / Lazy?

Home Forums Previous Months 54 – February 2021: Day of the Tentacle Puzzles Too Hard, Or Am I Just Too Stupid / Lazy? Reply To: Puzzles Too Hard, Or Am I Just Too Stupid / Lazy?


Yeah, DOTT is definitely a “try everything with every other thing” kind of game.

On the one hand it’s cool how you’re never really truly stuck, because of the sheer number of things available to you pretty early on. There’s almost always something you can try somewhere and manage to get a little progress.

But on the other hand I can see how it can be a bit overwhelming, because it’s really quite a complex game.

I don’t think there’s any shame in looking up hints, but if you want to avoid that and still feel you’re stuck, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help here. I’m sure there are plenty people who are willing to help out without spoiling the game.