Reply To: Cricket explained for beginners + my experience playing cricket games

Home Forums Previous Months 95 – August 2024: Cricket Games Cricket explained for beginners + my experience playing cricket games Reply To: Cricket explained for beginners + my experience playing cricket games


Just for total clarity – the video is very much a parody, playing on the theme of what TigerQuoll said above 😂.

I find that as a male in a cricket playing country it’s almost mandatory to have at least a basic understanding of the game and a few go to comments if you want to contribute to casual conversation, especially when games go on for 5 days and everyone in the office is following it on cricinfo. A few comments like “we really should have batted first, it’s a really dry wicket” will get you far in social standings 😂

Oh and Tijn, the Dutch cricket team is ranked 14th in the world btw.