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Wow, E4M1 redefines bullsh*t in terms of ammo per monster ratio. On skill level 4 I have no idea how one can have enough ammo there. I probably saved, died and reloaded 40 times in that level, and even then barely scraped through utilizing every trick in the book:

* Trying to lure enemies under the crusher in the central room (doesn’t work well!)
Using the Maulotaur to kill lesser enemies in the western courtyard
* Using the Gauntlets with Tome of Power to melee the Ophidians in the four balconies surrounding the east chamber, while simultaneously replenishing my health
* Flat out ignoring the 4 Iron Liches rising from the pit containing the exit chamber, activating the ring of invulnerability to simply run around, push all the switches and open up the end level teleporter.

Even with this, just getting to that point involved a great deal of luck and retries, e.g., the small southern room where you need to hit the switch to raise stairs while being cornered by Sabreclaws.

In E4M2 I’ve started by just running around, ignoring all enemies outside the castle, until I can lower all 4 teleporters to get the yellow key, and accumulate enough ammo. Then I decimated the lesser enemies, and the Iron Liches, and stayed out of the ways of the two Maulotaurs.

Not going to try 100% any of the levels in this episode, sorry. 😀