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Home Forums Previous Months 97 – October 2024: Heretic Comparing Heretic to DOOM Reply To: Comparing Heretic to DOOM


I’ve only just come to realize that the artifacts of Heretic serve to make it more different from Doom than is at first obvious.

Gauntlets of the Necromancer + Tome of Power!

I am almost embarrassed to admit that I had no clue that this combination not only makes them more damaging, but they actually suck the health from monster and replenish yours. I’ve played through the first 3 episodes without using this capability even once, but in E4 I’ve used it a couple of times and it can be a game changer.

A full run of the powered gauntlets is enough to immobilize and kill a whole Maulotaur, while keeping your health at 100% and at the cost of zero ammo.

It is probably enough to decimate 3-4 Iron Liches, except when facing the entire group at once, the whirlwind attach of the Liches will make it very hard to stay close enough to use the gauntlets. Against a group of liches, other weapons are probably better (powered Firemace or standard, non-powered Phoenix Rod, due to its splash damage).

Powered Gauntlets are also excellent against groups of Ophidians, as well as when being cornered by groups of weaker monsters (Sabreclaws, Golems, Gargoyles).

A weapon that restores your health when used is quite foreign to the original Doom. However, in some ways, it is a precursor to the Glory Kill mechanic of the new Dooms (2016, Eternal). Very cool.