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Home Forums Previous Months 97 – October 2024: Heretic Final(ish) thoughts Reply To: Final(ish) thoughts


Didn’t get very far through, had big (but ultimately unrealistic) plans to try it out in different forms (pure DOS, GZDoom etc) but was a very busy month for me so didn’t get much gaming time. I did however finish episodes 1-3 about a year ago so here are my hazy thoughts.

Overall I think it’s a cool game if you’ve thrashed DOOM and want something similar. Or alternatively are a bit of a DnD nerd and want a fantasy FPS. I personally like the fantasy setting and (basic) storyline and I REALLY like the music. For those of you that are metal heads some of the tunes remind me of Slayer from their “Show no mercy” days mixed with a bit more of a standard fantasy score. On the one hand I really like the introduction of the inventory, but on the other I feel like DOOM didn’t need it, so maybe heretic didn’t either? As others have said, Duke did it better, but it was still a nice addition.

Level design was good, again I like the setting, particularly the cathedral-type stuff.

Overall I personally like and enjoy this game. I’d recommend it to someone who is already into dos FPSs or likes fantasy, but for someone who is fresh then there’s no going past DOOM. And I guess that’s one of its major downsides is that it will forever live in DOOM’s shadow.