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Great pics and stories in here, I love that kind of stuff!

I have three old PCs in my mini home office: a 486, a win98 Athlon PC, and a winXP early Core2Duo one I built in 2005-ish. The 486 is of course my most precious one and comes from parts of my late father-in-law.

The setup is detailed here: and I occassionally blog about that old hardware stuff like when I finally managed to revive him after the motherboard gave up (

It’s difficult to keep that hardware going, that new (old) mobo cost me $100 on eBay without even knowing whether it’ll properly work… I don’t have space/width for a proper CRT hence the flatscreens. The DELL in the middle has VGA (win98) and DVI (winxp) I can switch between which is very handy.
