Reply To: First impressions

Home Forums Upcoming Months 100 – March 2024: DOOM First impressions Reply To: First impressions


This game blew me away back in the day. It’s amazing that this game, even 30 years after launch, still feels great. They really nailed the gameplay.

Modern ports, from official to things like gzdoom and prboom make running it a breeze. You can choose your own port to be either as faithful to the original or a port that’s basically its own new engine by now.

The mods was another draw. Even to this day there are still mods and maps being made. Big shout out to myhouse.wad which made the stranger mods more mainstream. If you don’t know myhouse.wad, it’s basically a liminal space with a story and actual doom gameplay. Don’t watch videos, just play it. It runs in gzdoom.

This is probably oldest game to still be this modern. With modern control scheme it’s still the father of all “boomer shooters” and definitely the father of all FPSs

This game, and Duke nukem 3d are the games I always install on any new hardware that will run it. I don’t even need to play it, I just want to know I can.