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Been playing the first game over christmas(for the first time in 20+ years) and I am quite amazed at how well it holds up for me. Will give the second game a go this month or in february but I don’t remember enjoying that as much as the first.

There’s just something about the atmosphere of UU1 that really does it for me. Going down into the depths, exploring new levels as you go. The tension of not knowing what you’ll run into in the dark and the relief when you find a banner with an Ankh on it and know that you’ve reached a safe area where you can trade and talk to npcs.

The combat is bit janky, the jumping and swimming likewise. I really enjoy the magic system, I have handwritten notes on my desk with spell combos just like I had all those years ago.

And the map is glorious. Having it be an item in your inventory that you can write notes on feels like a perfect fit.

It all adds to the IMMERSION, I guess we can say!

edit: also, my world of warcraft-injured brain is endlessly amused by the abbreviation of the spell I used the most. The 1st lvl protection spell Bet In Sanct… it truly was best in slot for me 😛