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Home Forums Upcoming Months 105 – August 2025: Golf Games What are the “must plays” of this genre? Reply To: What are the “must plays” of this genre?


My dad is very into golf, so I have distinct memories of a couple golf games that we had on our 486 and pentium.

The first one is Links: The Challenge of Golf. This is the precursor to Links 386 and the followup to World Class Leaderboard. The line “Looks like I hit the tree, Jim” is permanently etched into our brains and my brother and I would quote it to eachother for years afterward.

The second game was Jack Nicklaus Golf Signature Edition. This one I mostly remember the distinct adlib tune in the menus and the swing power UI that was a solid bar instead of the horseshoe thing that Links used. We played 2 player in this one quite a bit also, but it didn’t have the memorable voice lines of Links.

It’s been far too long for me to recall which one I enjoyed playing more, or if one of them was distinctly better, but I intend to revisit both during the month. These are some of the few DOS games that I played back in the day but have not revisited at any point since.