We’re accepting donations now

Over the years we've been asked many times how people could contribute some money to the club. We always said that wasn't necessary and it still isn't, really. But we would like to move the server to a more reliable hoster with more bandwidth.

For that we need about €500 per year. The money will go towards the podcast episode and website hosting, as well as our Mastodon instance (for which you can also request an invite, even without donating anything ;))

Anyway, if you want to help us out, you can do that on our Ko-fi.

Thanks everybody who pushed us to finally do this and to everybody donating!

Wacky Wheels

In 1992, Nintendo released Super Mario Kart and all we PC gamers were terribly envious of our friends with a Super Nintendo. In 1994, Beavis Soft came to rectify the situation and gave us our own Mario Kart clone "Wacky Wheels".

People rejoiced and everybody thought it was a really great game. But was it really? Or were we just happy to see the PC finally being able to handle games console players had had for several years at that time?

While obviously a clone, there are several major differences between the original and Wacky Wheels. Is it still a good game? If not, does the nostalgia help?

Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") are Lars ("fastwinstondoom"), who's returning from the Dungeon Keeper episode, and Rees (from "ctrl-alt-rees") who made a video on Wacky Wheels some years ago (see links below).

No voice message this time, shame on all of you! (Just kidding, but not really).


[ download mp3 ] (85 mins, 97 MB)

We once again got lots of help from DGC member console with editing this episode. Many thanks to him and all who make this show possible!

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24 Oct 2024 // 2 Comments >

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

After successfully keeping the Holy Grail out of Nazi hands, Indiana Jones returned in 1992 with a brand new adventure. And unlike 1989's The Last Crusade, Fate of Atlantis is not based on any of the films, but instead presents us with an entirely original story!

With two playable characters (sometimes), three possible paths, randomised and optional puzzles (a few), a lush iMuse-powered soundtrack and full "talkie" voice acting, this is definitely LucasArts' most ambitious point & click adventure to date. But is it fun? Let's find out!

Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") are DGC veteran and adventure game fan Esko ("FireFyte"), as well as newcomer Dreamkid, for whom Fate of Atlantis was one of their earlier PC games and made a big last impression.

We also got a voice message from Watchful and last but not least the episode was expertly edited by Console. Thanks all for your effort, we can't do this without you.


[ download mp3 ] (144 mins, 165 MB)

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04 Aug 2024 // 1 Comment >

Wolfenstein 3D

You're in a Nazi prison, with a dead guard on the floor in front of you. You take his gun. Now you can fight your way out. This is the exciting premise of 1992's Wolfenstein 3D, developed by id Software and published as shareware by Apogee.

Now we all know Wolfenstein 3D was not the first FPS game ever made, or the first FPS id Software made, or even the first Wolfenstein game. But it's definitely one of the most foundational games for the first-person shooter genre, so all the more reason for us to finally check this one out for March, which is when we try to do a big blockbuster FPS game every year.

We have two guests joining Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") for this episode. First of all long-time DGC veteran Bjorn ("TigerQuoll"), who not only joined the discussion on the forums for this month, but who also made a Wolfenstein 3D level pack for us all to enjoy! See the links below to get these. Also joining is first-time podcast participant Jake, for whom Wolfenstein 3D is one of their favourite games ever.

We also got two voice messages, one by watchful and one by Albrot. Thanks a lot for those! Also many thanks to DGC member console, who helped us again to edit this episode. All your support is much appreciated, we couldn't make this show without it.


[ download mp3 ] (133 mins, 153 MB)

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14 Jul 2024 // 3 Comments >


You start out with a single city on a map that's mostly covered in a fog of war. Use the city to produce units. Use the units to explore the map, seize more cities as you grow your army and eventually conquer the map by beating the AI. Sounds familiar? Before Sid Meier's Civilization there was... Empire, a very early example of a turn-based strategy war game, that turned out to be quite influential on the genre.

Originally developed by Walter Bright in the 1970s for the PDP-10, later incarnations of the game were released for various systems, including MS-DOS with 1987's Empire: Wargame of the Century and 1993's Empire Deluxe. What's it like to play this now? Let's find out!

Joining Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") is DGC veteran Hannes ("Mr Creosote"), who has been a long-time fan of the game and has written about it on his website The Good Old Days.

Thanks to Wesley for sending in a voice message, and to DGC member console for editing this episode. It's much appreciated, we couldn't make this show without all the help and support we receive.


[ download mp3 ] (106 mins, 122 MB)

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Dungeon Keeper

Do you ever feel the world is just too... nice? If so, perhaps Dungeon Keeper scratches that itch, because even though it's a classic game of heroes vs demons, in this case you are the demon! Dungeon Keeper was a big hit for Bullfrog Productions back in 1997, but by no means their first. After Populous, Syndicate, Magic Carpet, Theme Park and many others, they were truly at the peak of the powers when Dungeon Keeper hit the shelves. Does that mean the game holds up now though? Let's find out!

Joining Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") are DGC veteran Richard ("Pix"), as well as new-to-the-podcast DGC member Lars ("fastwinstondoom"). We also got a voice message for this one from DGC member David, aka EvilCommieDictator. Thank you!


[ download mp3 ] (140 mins, 161 MB)

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21 May 2024 // 1 Comment >
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.