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It’s done and Shodan’s no more. At least for now, we all know what happens in SS2 🙂

I remember playing this game quite vividly some 20 years back. I’ve gotten as far as being able to roam around floors 1-6 but I’ve never managed to get rid of the laser. I haven’t had internet and completely missed the small button to release the force field around the isotope x-22. Much much later in my second play through which I haven’t finished I managed to find it.

This time I was more vigilant about the various messages and managed to pull through without many issues. The one thing that tricked me was the reactor code. I believed that it was the one that should pop at one of the screens on the 6th floor but that wasn’t it. (Was it just me dreaming or is the code that shows on one f of the screens useless?)

Of course I had the memo that I should destroy all of the computers but by the time I read it all of them were already blasted.

I’ve applied the rush-b from regen room into hordes of mutants strategy quite often so my final stats are not that glorious. Ended up with over 30 med patches and tons of ammo too.

The game has held up remarkably well. The story, the level design and the rather impressive variety of weapons kept me in until the end. I’m definitely up to play SS2 again soon.
