Reply To: The Story & other matters (Major spoilers)

Home Forums Previous Months 56 – April 2021: Lost Eden The Story & other matters (Major spoilers) Reply To: The Story & other matters (Major spoilers)


I took an embarrassingly long time to realize that the map was based on Cretaceous period earth. I thought it was some strange land on some alien planet. I saw an article the other day about ancient earth that had the same map and my mind was immediately blown that it was the same as Lost Eden *face palm*.

That and the fact I didn’t know Thugg could empty nests for you really made me feel silly. Often I would travel back to Chamaar to look for an empty nest and return to wherever I was. I was literally crossing continents back and forth just to get a nest.

Regarding the cube firefyte mentioned, I thought it was another glitch once I put them all together. I tried for at least 5 minutes to put it back into my inventory. It’s a bit strange they didn’t redraw the arrows as dark because you really can’t tell what it is for the screen or two it replaces the normal one…