
Home Forums Game Suggestions Countdown

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  • rocky1138

    Hi all 🙂 I’m surprised this hasn’t been suggested before!

    Countdown is a point-and-click adventure game where you play as a man awakened in a hospital and slated to receive a lobotomy in just a few hours. The game plays out while a sort of real-time clock ticks away. You have to complete the game before a certain time and the times also have an effect on which NPCs you interact with. It’s a really interesting mechanic that reminds me a bit of The Last Express, in that way.

    My best friend introduced it to me on his 80386 when we were kids and it has lived in my head since. We’ve been on sort of mid-life crisis mission to play through all the games were played but never completed as children. We’re about halfway through now and the game is much larger than we initially thought!

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Home Forums Game Suggestions Countdown