DOS Games Jam

Home Forums DOS Talk DOS Development DOS Games Jam

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Dave.
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  • Mike

    The next DOS Games Jam starts on June 1st. It’s a casual jam where people can make DOS games or games influenced by their favorite DOS games. The jam page also has a link to the Discord where people hang out to talk about DOS games and how to develop games for DOS. Game devs of all skill levels are welcome. If you would like to know more about it, there was also an episode of DOS Game Club where we talked about the first one.


    Thanks Mike!
    I’ve been tinkering with a little ASCII platformer lately, mainly to test out some new qbasic techniques and then one day finish my EGA platformer.
    But I’ve been having trouble getting motivated (I keep getting distracted tinkering with vintage-style home networking).
    Maybe a jam could kick me into gear again!


    I did quite a bit of tidying up of my farming sim, still an unfinished game but much more playable I think. Great to take part in this and get feedback on the game

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