Hi there!
Hi everyone, I’m Christian from Germany.
I just discovered DGC on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and since then I nearly re-listened every episode. Thanks a lot for the great content – highly appreciated!
As a 90s kid, listening to the podcast brang up a lot of memories. I started with a 486DX running MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1 – of course I played a lot of DOS game back then. I’m going to creat some suggesstions for some of my favorites – maybe somebody is interested. 🙂
Keep up this great work!
Best wishes,
Hi stdevel and welcome!
I remember listening through previous episodes when I first discovered DGC. It was great, it felt like an infinite supply! Now, waiting a whole month for the next ep seems like forever XD
Look forward to your game suggestions.

Hehe, I have the exact same with every other podcast I find. Sadly, there was never more than one new DGC episode for me 😀
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