Is there a “cliff notes” way to experience this?
I don’t think I’ll have much time this month to get into this game, but it certainly looks intriguing. Not sure I want to buy it if I only end up playing it for 5 minutes because I’m too busy (like I did with LBA!)
Is there a good way to experience this game second-hand? I could watch a walkthrough or let’s play on youtube, but I get the feeling that it wouldn’t do this game justice.
Play the first few encounters. IIRC after about 15 minutes you should have a feel for it, at least mechanically.
As for the story and visuals, try a Let’s Play with commentary. Then you can experience it and also hear how someone reacts and thinks through it.

Honestly I think watching a playthrough of this game would give a pretty good impression of what it’s all about, as it’s extremely focused on the story. It only has a handful of puzzles. It’s really all about soaking in the atmosphere, listening to the conversations and watching the plot unfold. It’s really an interactive film, this game. So watching it as a film definitely works.
I did end up watching a few playthroughs. Unfortunately a lot of them seem to expect prior knowledge of the game, but I did find one in the end that went a bit more slowly and explained things as it went.
This is an amazing game. I really have to make some time and play it properly at some point!
It might be even more enjoyable to know what you’re doing and spend your time finding things in the game vs. going in totally blind. Even still, it was A LOT of fun going through.
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