Locked at Low Frame Rate?

Home Forums Previous Months 92 – May 2024: Wacky Wheels Locked at Low Frame Rate?

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  • watchful

    This game seems to be under 20 FPS and feels like a slide show. Vogons commentors have said that it’s just meant to be that way.

    Does anyone know of a solution? More cycles didn’t help in my case.


    I would guess that the frame rate is hard-coded, with each frame aligning to a game-tick. Even if you could increase the frame rate, it would just make the game run in fast-forward.
    Maybe it’s patchable? I dunno, but I’ve never heard of a patch for this.


    Yeah, it seems the low fps is just what it is. I’m a little surprised nobody made a patch. I’m guessing the way the game is made makes it hard or something.

    It’s a shame though, I feel it’s the main reason the game isn’t as playable now as it could have been.

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Home Forums Previous Months 92 – May 2024: Wacky Wheels Locked at Low Frame Rate?