Magazine Reviews

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  • Pix

    I’m not overly familiar with Heretic and looking up some reviews this month explains why. It came at about the same time as Dark Forces and Descent, both of which I bought at the time and would rate above it but maybe this month will change my mind. Found a couple of differing reviews:-


    It was also reviewed in the March 1995 issue of Computer Gaming World, helpfully provided by the CGW Museum. Check page 104.

    They actually gave it 5/5 stars which I wasn’t expecting. The praised the level design, combat design and consistency of the game.


    The screenshots really come out nicely in those reviews. I guess the fact that Heretic is much more colorful than Doom helps.

    I don’t think it’s as bad as the second review makes it look. For sure the level design is not as bad.

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