Possible DOS installers episode?

Home Forums DOS Talk DOS Tech Club Special Episodes Possible DOS installers episode?

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  • Psy

    A Special about installers could be something original and interesting to cover. Pretty sure by now you faced some nice ones in the show, and a little research and a poll in the forums can be enough to fill the gaps.

    Thinking a bit, this is what I think might be covered:

    * The purpose of the DOS installers (pretty similar of what an installer does today);
    * batch installers that pretty much copy the game into a folder (I remember some pretty elaborated ones);
    * the introduction of compression (lha, zip, arj), multidisc and fragmentation;
    * full and minimal install schemes (specially for CD-ROM);
    * how companies kind of normalized their installers (SSI installer, LucasArts installer, ID, Origin, Microprose);
    * some install authors (Arj author did some installers for SSI or Interplay, if I remember correctly);
    * installers acting as setup:
    autoexec/config configuration
    video setup
    sound setup
    dual sound setup
    controller setup and calibration
    video and sound tests;
    * patchers that actually change the code at binary level (I remember the Wing Commander one doing this?)
    * graphic mode installers (7th Guest, Mega-Race, Wing Commander III, are the ones I remember as interesting ones).

    * Interesting cases:
    Wing Commander installer can convert the game art to EGA,
    Strike Commander’s and the generation of the fractal maps,
    I remember SSI installers that have an insane sound configuration,
    pretty sure we can find more examples.

    What do you think?


    Interesting! It would be the one topic in the series I know absolutely nothing about, so that would rely solely on other people filling in the blanks.

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Home Forums DOS Talk DOS Tech Club Special Episodes Possible DOS installers episode?