Stunts / 4D Sports Driving (1990)

Home Forums Game Suggestions Accepted Suggestions Stunts / 4D Sports Driving (1990)

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  • jeffrey

    I’m not sure if racing games have been done to death or not, but as I go through the old episodes of the podcast and get back into the mode of thinking of what DOS games really stood out to me, one that keeps coming to mind is Broderbund’s STUNTS or if you’re European, which it sounds like many of you are, 4D Sports Driving.

    Neat tracks including off the walls loop-de-loops, daring angles, high speeds, etc.

    It seems like a pretty early 3D polygonal racing game, with “cool” cars and most impressed upon me when playing it at the time in the 90s was the track editor. We spent hours building tracks and trying to drive on them.

    According to the wikipedia, 1994 PC Gamer US called it the 22nd best computer game of all time.

    Do you all remember playing it? What did you think?



    Yeah, we definitely need to look into this one. It’s such a classic.


    Would love to see this selected, I nearly suggested it myself. Never got around to playing it and I really should.

    I’m interested in the whole 4D sports series. Not sure if we would be doing Stunts a disservice but you could add the boxing and tennis games into a 4D sports month? I played a cover disk demo of the tennis loads at the time, you could even play it in first person which was seriously novel in the early 90’s.


    Oh man, I loved this game so much back in the day. Especially making a tiny “legal” track and then buildinf all kinds out outlandish stuff right next to the course. The best part was jumping over multiple appartment buildings with crazy ramp constructions :’).


    Great suggestion! This still has a very active online community. Recommend checking out – Lots of information about the game, including tracks, cars and utilities for the game.

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Home Forums Game Suggestions Accepted Suggestions Stunts / 4D Sports Driving (1990)