TerraFire (1997)

Home Forums Game Suggestions TerraFire (1997)

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  • tinybird


    This is kind of a unique one as far as I know – it’s a Lunar Lander / Thrust kinda game, where you pilot a little spaceship and are affected by gravity, but the twist is that you have to navigate an underground base full of traps and enemies. So it’s almost like an action platformer in a way. You have lasers and you can shoot enemies, shoot buttons to open doors, shoot containers to get various powerups, etc.

    The goal of each level is to pick up a nuclear bomb and get it out of the base safely, but there’s a time limit AND the bomb is really heavy and dangles on a rope under your ship, so it’s incredibly tense while you’re swinging this bomb around trying to navigate through narrow passageways and around corners to get to the surface.

    As you can expect, it can be pretty frustrating at times but it’s also incredibly satisfying. I’ve never completed it but it’d be pretty cool to see if I can get to the end.

    The graphics are all pre-rendered 3D sprites, in that classic ’90s kind of way, but it looks pretty good I think.

    It’s a free download these days, which is nice. https://www.ortsoftware.com/tf.html

    Have we covered any games like this before? Are there any similar ones that people know about? I wouldn’t mind playing some other stuff like this.


    I really love these polished small developer games from the late DOS era. They all have a certain vibe that is impossible to fake.
    This looks like that one awesome hidden gem you would find on a CD full of shovelware.
    Played about 5 minutes of it just now, and yeah, it’s fun!

    Also, I’m 100% sure I’ve played their older game, AstroFire. Almost certainly found it on a shovelware CD.


    Yeah, I’ve played AstroFire too, it’s a fun Asteroids clone (with some extra stuff maybe?) but it’s not as interesting as this one.

    The bonus levels in TerraFire are basically just AstroFire levels, too 🙂

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Home Forums Game Suggestions TerraFire (1997)