The Packaging

After the glut of strategy games in the last few months, I’ve been looking forward to October and revisiting 7th Guest. It was the first CD-ROM game I ever bought in a dual pack with Dune back in 1994 (both of which impressed me no end at the time). I think you need to have lived through that part of the 90’s to get how amazing FMV was back then. It wasn’t the first CD-ROM game but 7th Guest was the first CD exclusive that really sold the platform to PC gamers. Not sure how well it will hold up these days mind you. There was a novel of 7th Guest as well which I’ve owned for years and never read so this will have to be the month for that too.

At any rate, The 7th Guest and it’s sequel came in two of the most elaborate big boxes I own so I thought I should share. The original UK edition came in this box resembling a giant hardback book. It has a handful of pages with creepy images and a cardboard door with a VHS behind that has the making of video. I think the recommended price of this game was an eye watering £90 on release which may explain why they spent so much on the packaging.

The sequel didn’t get left out either with this “clockwork” box design. I gather this one was a limited release rather than the regular edition.
Whoah! This is what BIG BOX is all about. Thanks for taking the time to post these – I don’t think I ever bought a game with such elaborate packaging.
The version of 11th hour I remember having didn’t have that clock, so definitely limited.
I think we had the white-box (cheap) virgin release of 7th Guest, so can’t remember too many extras.
I have an original too. But I threw away my box, keeping just the contents.
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