Wipeout – New PC Port

Home Forums Previous Months 34 – November 2019: wipE’out” Wipeout – New PC Port

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  • LunarLoony

    As Wipeout was on the podcast a little while ago, I thought it would be nice to share this, an updated Wipeout “sourceport” for modern machines.


    Not sure if it’s entirely above board, since it apparently uses leaked source code; but I don’t suppose that’s for us end users to worry about too much. You will need a valid NTSC PlayStation disc or ROM for it to work properly.

    Haven’t tried it out myself yet, but it looks like a cool project. It’d be nice if this spurred Sony to release the original Wipeout trilogy on PC…


    I absolutely love these quality of life releases that people are making nowadays.

    If I had more time and a lot more skills, it is something I would really love to dedicate time too. Like OpenTT and OpenRTC (Transport/Roller Coaster Typcoon). Taking the essence of these older games and improving them without destroying the original flavor is really cool.

    I was shocked when the team going over the game Syndicate pointed out it was mouse only! That is something that could be addressed one day – again, time and skills lacking here. 😉

    I checked out this Wipeout on Youtube and to see this run in 1080p at 60fps is weird but really cool. I’m sure after a while of playing it like this, it would be hard to go back to the original simply because it will feel like a beta version.


    Thanks for the reminder. I want to revisit and just cannot bring myself to play the PS1 version. This looks like how it was meant to be played. Perhaps it’ll even live up to the version shown in “Hackers” (1995)!

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Home Forums Previous Months 34 – November 2019: wipE’out” Wipeout – New PC Port