Your questions for the devs

We’ll be interviewing TheLobdegg (and possibly Clarissa) from Hadrosaurus Software soon, the people who brought you The Aching.
If you have any questions for them, please leave them here and we’ll put them before them!
Ah awesome!
Some spoilers possibly.
– What was the significance of the graveyard? A lot of info went into the headstones for instance?
– The multiple endings, what was the reason for the Cafe/Dream ending and medacine? Also the easter egg cheating ending!
– Did you originally plan for a much larger game, given the Teleport Stone in the Laboratory, the city over the horizon and the locket?
– Other easter eggs, the Red ‘Fern’ Herring, The Golden Box?
The most obvious question is: why a commercial game targeting DOS in 2023? Look and feel is an artistic choice, but surely it could have been all “pretend”.
Looking forward to listen to the interview!

As a tangent to the above, why pick the Tandy 1000 rather than something a little later? As an owner I appreciate a new game for the system but I gather none of the dev’s actually owns one themselves.
I’d be interested about the choice to develop a whole new engine rather than building something in the likes of SCI/AGI also. Was this so the game could be commercial?
As for game questions, I need to go back and play the updated version. I’ve no idea how much got added/changed since it was picked for the month.
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