Reply To: Winter Olympics: Lillehammer 94 (1993, US Gold)

Home Forums Previous Months 51 – December 2020: Skiing Games Winter Olympics: Lillehammer 94 (1993, US Gold) Reply To: Winter Olympics: Lillehammer 94 (1993, US Gold)


Exactly my thoughts. Just such a weird combination of some really good graphics and presentation with terrible choices and bad gameplay.
The menus are incredibly tedious, having to wait for the little girl to press the button on the remote control etc.

Was it just me, or did the combination of the low camera angle and huge character sprite in some of the events make it really hard to actually see the course and what is in front of you?

Anyway, I’ve only played a little bit of this game. In the spirit of fairness I think I’ll revisit it and give it a bit more of a chance.