Hello! This is Cas, from Argentina

Home Forums User Introductions Hello! This is Cas, from Argentina

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  • Cas

    Hi, everyone!

    My name is Lucas, but most people online call me Cas. I first came across a DOS PC around 1991 when my uncle got an XT and I had my first PC in 1993. The first games I had included Stunts, Prince of Persia, Prehistorik, Risky Woods and Arkanoid 2, among others.

    What fascinated me from computers was actually the possibility of making my own programs and seeing the magic happens, but when I experienced classic DOS games, I began to wish I would one day make my own. Unfortunately, every year they were becoming more complex and I felt I would never reach that point. Still, I would make programs to hack and mod the games I had.

    I’m currently part of the online Stunts community, where we have a great environment. This DOS game has actually become our glue and the more time we spend playing it and discussing it, it becomes more important to us. We even had a mate there that was playing it well in his 80s!

    I’m also into music. Made some game music some time ago and I love rock 🙂

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Home Forums User Introductions Hello! This is Cas, from Argentina