Magazine Reviews

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  • Pix

    I’ve only one magazine with a review (PC Review) this month and since I already scanned the whole magazine in, I’ll just point to the copy on the internet archive :-

    This was enough to get me to buy the game at the time. I’m wondering now if it might have been my first Lucasarts game… Either this or Monkey Island 2 anyway. Loved both at the time.


    Thanks for the review. Interesting to see high praise for the Lost Crusade adventure too, as often I’ve heard it called short and rushed.

    I picked up Fate in a bundle solely because of a love for the movies, and was very surprised at the quality of all the games on the disks: FoA, Day of Tentacle, Sam & Max, and even Rebel Assault (for the video if nothing else).


    I played Last Crusade as part of the Retro Asylum game club last December (they’ve done a podcast on their thoughts since for anyone interested). It wasn’t massively popular – I was the one standing up for it in the group. It’s a huge step up from Zak McKracken which added scale to Maniac Mansion at the expense of enjoyment. The design is quite clever with lots of optional puzzles, multiple solutions, routes and endings. It’s not as approachable as everything after Monkey Island with lots of saving/reloading required but if you treat it as a big puzzle (like any true adventure gamer), it doesn’t hold up all that badly. I see it as the halfway house between McKracken and Monkey Island. Fate of Atlantis is much better.

    On a tangent, Fate Of Atlantis was adapted into a series of 3 comics by Dark Horse. I’m struggling to find decent links for them. The first is at anyway. Dark Horse also did a couple of other Indy comic series based on the plots for some of the games that ultimately never got made.


    Pelit from Finland gave it a 92 back in ’92.

    ‘Feels like a real Indy-movie’

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