Reply To: What a Game! aka. WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME _HOW_ GOOD IT IT??

Home Forums Previous Months 14 – March 2018: Duke Nukem 3D What a Game! aka. WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME _HOW_ GOOD IT IT?? Reply To: What a Game! aka. WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME _HOW_ GOOD IT IT??


I believe that if you set Parental controls to on, it should get rid of most of the child-unfriendly stuff, including the sexism.

When playing using keyboard only, I always use the keypad, not the arrows. This way you can much easier use Pad7/Pad1 to aim, Pad9/Pad3 to look up/down and Pad5 to center the view. I think this is how it’s meant to be played on a keyboard-only setup.