Reply To: Campaign

Home Forums Previous Months 19 – August 2018: Warcraft 2 Campaign Reply To: Campaign


Yeah, I beat the Human campaign yesterday too, in a epic race with Tijn! 🙂

The difficulty through all of the campaign was quite low, with only few hiccups that I experienced during it (like in mission 10, where at one moment I ended up with just 2 peasants with red health, no money and no save). Last 2 missions had been finally at least moderately challenging, which was refreshing.

This game is definitely staying on my hard drive, I’m planing to return to it, since I never actually played the expansion (and before I started playing the game for this month I found out, that I have it in my collection) and because an about middle of game I somehow accepted various limitations, that makes me infuriating at the beginning (like requirement of farms and especially unit selection limit). I just can’t play any C&C in the mean time, because otherwise I would probably rage quit Warcraft in a big way 😀