Reply To: What's this month about?

Home Forums Previous Months 51 – December 2020: Skiing Games What's this month about? Reply To: What's this month about?


Hi! I just recently found out about this forum/podcast and it’s totally up my alley! (I was hoping there would be an newbies introduction section to the forum, but I guess it’s not that kind of message board)

Anyway, I really hope to get involved here regularly. (I have 3 vintage PCs and in the process of building 2 more – more details for anyone who’s interested!)

So I’m just wondering about this month’s topic. Firstly, is the idea just to play the three skiing themed games Tijn has made topics about (winter games, downhill challenge and ski or die), or just to find as many of my own as I can and play those?
Also, is there an “official” source people get their copies from, or is it just a matter of sourcing it from wherever?

Thanks for the info!