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First thing I noticed in 1930 was that Dossington barely had any Fire Departments. We all had our experiences with fires devastating a whole city, so I built two new fire stations in strategic locations. Both are in areas that had no protection at all, but also still have quite a bit of unused land around them, so that they will protect new zones, too.

The first one was placed in Hillview, the second one on a hill overlooking Stinky Place Industrial Park.

In the same year, I realized that several zones weren’t connected to the Urban Water Distribution Network (UH2ODN), so I naturally fixed that.

In 1932, I renamed the City College to Dossington Engineering School, which in turn prompted the principal of Micropolis Highschool to rename his school to Mayor Rnlf Highschool, a great honor for me.

In 1934, a new road connecting Dossington to Hoek Creek was completed, causing a raise in annual income by about $300, so that the expenses for the improved fire protection are more than compensated for.

Last, I noticed some heavy traffic building up in Old Town so I decided to build a second connection between Old Town and Hillview. While building the roads, I noticed that many roads across the city were in horrible shape and that the water pumps were overloaded, so as a last action before leaving the office, I renewed the broken streets and build 4 new water pumps, which is the reason why the treasury only contains $393 at the moment, sorry about that, successing mayor of Dossington, but I leave you with a bit more annual income than I had when I took over:

Population 19250
Treasury $393
Income $707
Approval 68%
