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Have you ever wanted to be James Bond? Well, an American CIA agent who is tasked with taking down international state-sponsored crooks and terrorists via a series of four mini games and logic.

Many who have played this game will say there is one game and the rest is decoration. Each scheme you’re trying to foil will give you the options to break into safehouses, trail suspect vehicles, conduct wiretapping and decrypt messages. The breaking in is the main part of the game, and you will spend most of your time top-down, sneaking around photographing files and safes to find plot evidence, arresting suspects and confiscating plot items, neutralising guards and when things go bad, grenades.

The game is repeatable until your character “retires”, similar to Pirates, as you get more “00” levels each time you win. Take down masterminds every few missions (although there is a way to cheat that I found….)