Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father
Possible the best ‘serious’ classic point and click adventure game. Any fans?
I haven’t played it yet, but I am interested and this could be a good incentive to get around to playing it!

I’ve never played it myself, but my girlfriend is a massive fan. She has a boxed copy and everything!
I’ve played it ‘way back’ as well as the remake that was released later. It’s a lot of fun, but very cerebral in some of the puzzles.
I prefer GK2, for some reason, as the story felt better, or something.
Yes plzzzz.. if you do, please see attached for my voice message about my experience of the game
I played only the remake and enjoyed it greatly, but for DOS Game Club, it has to be the original. 😛
Luckily the original somehow looks better than the remake (which is ironic)
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