Impressive Fan Made FAQ!

Home Forums Previous Months 92 – May 2024: Wacky Wheels Impressive Fan Made FAQ!

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  • DJ_HiP

    It covers;

    (1)Version History
    (5)General Tips & Tricks
    (7)Weapons & Items
    (8)Bronze Tracks
    (9)Silver Tracks
    (10)Gold Tracks
    (11)Bronze Tracks (Bonus)
    (12)Silver Tracks (Bonus)
    (13)Gold Tracks (Bonus)
    (14)Time Trial
    (15)Wacky Duck Shoot
    (17)*Coming Soon*
    (18)Codes & Secrets
    (19)Frequently Asked Questions
    (20)Game Information & Hardware Specs
    (21)About Apogee
    (25)The End

    Some useful info on driving tips in there too. Amazing amount of work given its fan made! Far better more info than the real manual.

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Home Forums Previous Months 92 – May 2024: Wacky Wheels Impressive Fan Made FAQ!