"Multiplayer" vs CPU

Home Forums Previous Months 19 – August 2018: Warcraft 2 "Multiplayer" vs CPU

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  • butterburp

    Does anyone else find this game really hard when playing a non-campaign game vs the CPU? I feel like your build order has to be insanely precise or you’ll get run over. I thought Starcraft was hard enough when I first started playing vs AI, but WC2 is a whole ‘nother level. Ah well, it’s good to have a challenge.


    I’ve noticed that I tend to take a very long time to really get a base going compared to other RTS games – that hasn’t mattered so far in the campaign as the enemy tends to leave you alone before you start exploring on the early levels. What’s your build order like? 🙂


    Is there anyway we can get the multiplayer going so we can VS each other?!?! It would be awesome to have a fully multiplayer perspective going into the podcast! That I have fond memories of playing modem games w/ my buddy on our 28k modems vs the computer.


    Yeah I think the campaign is specifically written to go easy on the first few missions. When playing free for all, I have to follow the build order here to the letter or I get mauled:

    As for multiplayer, if anyone’s brave, there seems to be a server here: en.war2.ru
    I hasten to add I have NOT checked this out, but I do see at least one video on Youtube about it, so there’s a good chance it’s legit.


    I think the original game supports IPX networking only (Battle.net didn’t exist yet in the beginning, IIRC, and there is a dedicated Battle.net edition).

    But DOSBox supports tunneling IPX through UDP and we’ve done that for a few games already. It worked reasonably well (given what a makeshift solution that is). I think we’ll try that for sure 🙂


    Yeah, IPX-over-IP has worked pretty well for us so far, let’s go with that!

    I don’t have the Battle.net edition of this game, but I do have the original one patched up until 1.4.

    I hope the different versions of this game are compatible enough to get a multiplayer game going.


    I’ll just take your version. I need to run it in DOSBox anyway (still no support for connecting real machines to DOSBox’ virtual IPX net).

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Home Forums Previous Months 19 – August 2018: Warcraft 2 "Multiplayer" vs CPU