The Settlers / Serf City

Home Forums Game Suggestions The Settlers / Serf City

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Cas.
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  • Cas

    I was thinking of this game I’ve played so many times and I was surprised to not find it in the episode list! There’s an entire franchise around this, but I think the most interesting one is the first one… and maybe the second one too, but not as much.

    Somehow, this is a game I learnt to play on my own and achieve significant success, yet never fully understood everything that happens behind the controls. Some options are not completely clear, so it’d be marvellous to discuss the game and learn some hidden details, share tricks, etc. It has a lot of history 🙂


    Oops! Sorry… I searched the list of episodes, but didn’t read the list of suggestions and I see the game is there already!

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Home Forums Game Suggestions The Settlers / Serf City