UK Magazine Scans

It’s becoming a habit that I dig through my pile of old PC magazines looking for some reviews for each months game. I’ve struggled to find much for Tyrian. I’ve loads of magazines for that era but Shareware games got very little to no coverage. Here are the two mentions I did find at any rate:-

Good find! I suppose when Tyrian came out, the magazines were mostly covering AAA games.
It’s funny to see the difference between what got attention back then and what is considered a classic now.
Thanks for sharing!

The UK mags would tend to review near enough everything that had a full release even if it only got a few lines at the back of the magazine. I reckon shareware was still seen as second class and more something to fill up those demo CD’s with. It’s probably a hangup from before it got professional with the likes of Id and Epic. They would sometimes have a separate shareware section but it would be brief considering just how much was being churned out.
Hi @Pix, which Magazine is that? Could provide the name and issue of the magazine? I would like to try to find and read it.
Thanks 🙂

It should say on the scans but the top one is PC Format Issue 50, the bottom is PC Gamer #24.
Yes, you’re right. Now that I look them better It appears on the scans. Thanks!
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