Unofficial “Special Edition”

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  • watchful

    This unofficial “Special Edition” is curious, even if only a demo. Seems to be of high quality. The original is a masterpiece of course, so it’s interesting to see the same scenes ever-so-slightly re-imagined.

    What do folks think?


    I’ve looked at the screenshots at the website, but I feel that the transition to high quality has lost a lot of a original pixel art charm of the game.

    I’ve felt the same for Monkey Island (Remastered Special Edition vs VGA).


    The nice thing about the Monkey Island SE games was that you could switch between modern high-quality and classic pixel graphics on the fly.

    But I never did. Since I didn’t play these games as a child, I had no nostalgic value attached to the original pixel art, and it does not looks as charming on a big hi-res LCD as it did on contemporary CRTs.


    Money Island was just before my gaming era started and I also love the special editions. The pixel art is nice too, yet a bit harder to see small items. So given the choice I prefer high resolution alternatives, at least as long as they have roughly the same feel.


    I am firmly in the “original pixelart”-camp, but combined with them fancy crt shaders.

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